Creativity, Creatively Reconsidered with Verity J. Gavin.
Tue 20-02-2024, 19:00

CREATIVITY RECONSIDERED” for therapists, caring and health professionals, parents of disturbed children and indeed anyone wishing to enrich and enjoy their life!
Creativity, Creatively Reconsidered.
Verity will introduce a new way of looking at “creativity” arguing for the centrality of creative relating in our professional work and everyday life. She will propose, in a catchy, fun way, an exploration of ways of opening up to:
- our own creative way of being in the world (which has nothing to do with being artistic).
- how to introduce creative relating with clients, patients, children etc.
- how to develop this antidote to burnout.
What has all this got to do with living our life to the full and avoiding the 3 deadly P s : problematising, polarising and pathologising?
After my research as a social anthropologist among ethnic and linguistic minorities in Britain, Verity re-trained as a psychotherapist through a transitional space and place of Winnicottian practice with severely disturbed children and then in Existential Psychotherapy with Emmy van Deurzen .
On moving to live in France in 1990 she developed her creative approach to individual psychotherapy with children and adults in two Practice Workshops in Provence. In Avignon she specialised in work with child and adult victims of sexual abuse.
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