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What has psychotherapy to do with climate change? Talk by Judith Anderson on Tuesday 17th. March

Tue 17-03-2015, 19:00

What has psychotherapy to do with climate change? Talk by Judith Anderson on Tuesday 17th. March

What has psychotherapy to do with climate change? Talk by Judith Anderson on Tuesday 17th. March

Judith Anderson is a founder member of Climate Psychology Alliance and is on its management committee. She chaired Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility for 7 years, and represented the Climate Change workgroup on UKCP’s Diversities Equality and Social Responsibilty Committee from its foundation. She works as a Jungian psychotherapist with individuals and couples and is interested in the integration of newer energy psychology techniques into practice. She writes this about her talk:

“UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki moon calls climate change ‘the greatest collective challenge we face as a human family’. What is the part that the psychological professions can play in response?  How can we face inevitable, significant changes to our way of life caused by this and other environmental problems?

The contribution of what we in the psychotherapeutic community do on a day-to-day basis is desperately needed. With our understanding of the importance of consciousness and engaging in depth, whether from a psychoanalytic, humanistic, existential or neurobiological point of view, we can contribute to a more effective response to this threat.

I will present some ideas about the different contributions that psychotherapists can make and hopes for a lively discussion of these issues.”
