To She or not to She: queering womanhood” Lecture by Sasha Smith
Tue 18-02-2020, 19:00

In the ongoing (and often contentious) dialogue around gender, there are many specific questions on the notion of womanhood and how this intersects with other aspects of human identity.
In the ongoing (and often contentious) dialogue around gender, there are many specific questions on the notion of womanhood and how this intersects with other aspects of human identity. Together we will explore these issues, looking at theories of essentialism, nonbinary identities, feminism and intersectional politics. If you want to better understand some of the challenges amongst LGBTQ+ clients, explore how queerness can highlight certain core complexities of being human, or simply spend some time thinking about notions such as womanhood and gender, this talk is for you.
Sasha van Deurzen-Smith is an existential coach and course leader of the MA in Existential Coaching at the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling. Sasha has worked in private practice for 8 years and specialises in creativity, autism and LGBTQ+ issues. Outside of the office, Sasha is a keen community activist and a drag performer.