AGM and lecture by Professor Digby Tantam
Wed 01-05-2013, 17:00

AGM and lecture by Professor Digby Tantam
Annual General Meeting (members only) at 5 pm followed by light refreshments.
7pm Digby Tantam, the chair of the SoP and a psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist will present on ‘Intersubjectivity: Husserl, Group Analysis, and Being human’.
Digby has provided the following abstract of his talk:
“The early 20th century philosopher, Edmund Husserl, asked himself two traditional philosophical questions: how do we know that there is a
real world? And how do we know that other people exist? But his answer was less traditional: because of empathy. Empathy is one explanation
for ‘intersubjectivity’ (another is some variant of a collective unconscious). Intersubjectivity is now considered to be a foundation
of psychotherapy in many different approaches, but it has been central to group analysis, where it has been termed ‘the matrix’, for nearly
70 years. In Digby’s talk he will consider the strands that link Husserl to group analysis and to the relational psychotherapies by way
of one of the patron saints of Europe and of recent fMRI studies.”