David Pink, Chief Executive of the UK Council for Psychotherapy speaking about the future of psychotherapy regulation.
Tue 04-12-2012, 19:00

David Pink, Chief Executive of the UK Council for Psychotherapy speaking about the future of psychotherapy regulation.
David Pink will be giving the next Society presentation, on Tuesday 4th. December 2012. David has previously worked as a policy advisor at the Department of Health, as audit programme director at the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, and Chief Executive of the Long-term Conditions alliance and then of National Voices, acting on behalf of more than 180 service users orgamizations.
David has been closely involved with the recent debates about psychotherapy regulation, which have been long and often acrimonious. The outcome will have a substantial effect on anyone practising psychotherapy, and especially those for whom UKCP is their main or only regulatory body.
David will bring us to date with the relations between UKCP, the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, the Health and Care Professions Council, and the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence.