AGM - Minutes of the 2011 AGM
Sun 27-03-2011, 19:00

AGM - Minutes of the 2011 AGM
Annual General Meeting
18th. March 2011
Held at the premises of NSPC LTD, 254-5 Belsize Road, NW6 4BT
Present: Digby Tantam (chair) Emmy Van Deurzen, Mike Hall , Helen Eckersley, Hugh Knopf (mins)
The meeting was delayed for 30 minutes because a quorum was not present at the advertised start time of 5.30
After some initial discussion and reminders of what the society was created for there was a formal welcome from the chair, Professor Digby Tantam. Acknowledging that the society had need of re-stimulus and agreeing that a re-invigoration of its primary purpose, to encourage and support dialogue across the many worlds of psychotherapy was now due the meeting moved to the business of the agenda.
Report from the honorary treasurer:
The society offered 3 talks last year and made a profit on 2 and a loss on the other. Overall surplus of £23 on previous year and balance was £695.23. The overall aim was to break even and this has been achieved but there was a feeling that the society could be more ambitious and seek to raise greater funds and extend its objectives. New signatories need agreeing (new chair-see below) as Mike is signing off.
Election of officers:
a) Honorary chair: Digby Tantam proposed by Emmy Van Deurzen and seconded by Mike Hall. Not opposed: Digby Tantam duly elected chair.
b) Honorary treasurer: Helen Eckersley: proposed by Mike Hall, seconded by Emmy. Not opposed, duly elected honorary treasurer
c) Honorary Secretary: Hugh Knopf, proposed by Digby Tantam, seconded by Emmy Van Deurzen. Not opposed, duly elected honorary treasurer
Propositions to be put to the vote:
a) Meetings to be held at NSPC until further notice: proposed and seconded, not opposed, upheld.
b) Administrative support to society should be provided by the chair with no expense to the society: proposed and seconded, not opposed, upheld, but chair to negotiate agreement with NSPC staff. The treasurer suggested that any unreasonable expenses to NSPC could be sought through the Sociaties funds
c) That the membership list held by SoP is made available to the NSPC passed with the following amendment that the consent of each member on the list is obtained before correspondence is sent to them that is not from the society itself. It was pointed out that the society is not registered with the data protection register but would gather this being linked to NSPC
d) That the office of chair and programmes organiser be temporarily combined. Proposed and seconded, passed unopposed.
Digby Tantam said that the website ( is now hosted on a dedicated server at no cost to the society.
Date of next AGM: 23rd March 2012: at 6:00pm
The AGM was followed by a stimulating presentation from Professor Digby Tantam on Wellbeing and Psychotherapy: What the Government can learn from
existential psychotherapy.