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Dr Kirk Schneider: “Life Enhancing Anxiety”.

Tue 17-10-2023, 19:00

Dr Kirk Schneider: “Life Enhancing Anxiety”.

“Life Enhancing Anxiety”: why it is so critical both for individuals and society.

This is an "inclusive" session in which I'll give a brief (e.g., 15-20 mins.) overview of my recent work and book on "Life-Enhancing Anxiety" and why it is so critical both for individuals and society today. I will also mention how life-enhancing anxiety is related to optimal therapy and the cultivation of presence and sense of "awe" toward living. This brief overview will provide the stimulus for a discussion about how these concepts relate to audience members personal and professional lives--as well as concerns about the state of our society and world today (e.g., in the areas of increased depression, anxiety, addiction, isolation, and violence; cultural and political divisiveness; racism and prejudice; high tech; and the question of invigorating, sustainable living).

Kirk J. Schneider, Ph.D. is a leading spokesperson for existential-humanistic and existential-integrative psychology, an adjunct faculty member at SaybrookUniversity and Teachers College, Columbia University,and a cofounder and current president of the award-winning Existential-Humanistic Institute. He was also a 2022 candidate for president-elect of the American Psychological Association (APA).
​Dr. Schneider is a Fellow in seven Divisions of the APA, the recipient of the Rollo May Award from Division 32 of the APA for “Outstanding and Independent Pursuit of New Frontiers in Humanistic Psychology,” and the author/editor of 14 books. These include The Paradoxical Self, Horror and the Holy, The Psychology of Existence (with Rollo May), Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy,The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology, Existential-Humanistic Therapy (with Orah Krug), Awakening to Awe, The Spirituality of Awe, The Polarized Mind, The Depolarizing of America, and his latest book: Life-Enhancing Anxiety: Key to a Sane World. Dr. Schneider’s current focus, which draws on the psychology of Otto Rank, is on the existential bases of as well as alternatives to polarized states of being. For more information on Dr. Schneider’s work visit as well as his YouTube channel “Corps of Depth Healers,” which serves as a resource for depth psychological approaches to social crises:

Tues. Oct. 17th 7pm-8.30pm GMT. £6.00. Subscribe through "Society of Psychotherapy" Meetup page for this online event
